The Inflammasome Lab have discovered a new pathway for host defence against cytosolic Gram-negative bacteria, revealing unexpected links between pyroptosis and NETosis.
New research from Inflammasome Lab reveals trafficking mechanisms driving the unconventional secretion of mature interleukin-1β in non-pyroptotic and pyroptotic myeloid cells, and functions for caspase-1 and Gasdermin-D therein.
The lab celebrated new paper acceptances with a pub crawl of Brisbane's finest establishments in West End on Friday. Congratulations to everyone in the Inflammasome Lab, and to our wonderful overseas collaborators!
The Inflammasome Lab have discovered that neutrophils can signal via TNFR1-driven ripoptosome assembly to induce both cell death and IL-1β maturation, but suppress TLR4-dependent cell death and NLRP3 inflammasome activation during IAP inhibition,
The Inflammasome Lab have uncovered precisely how caspase-1 is activated upon inflammasomes, which has revealed a new model for inflammasome signalling, function, and signal shutdown.
The Inflammasome Lab have uncovered precisely how caspase-1 is activated upon inflammasomes, which has revealed a new model for inflammasome signalling, function, and signal shutdown.
The inflammasome special issue of Journal of Molecular Biology, co-edited by Kate Schroder, Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, Feng Shao and Petr Broz, is now online.