We are beyond thrilled to share the news that Larisa Labzin has been awarded an ARC Future Fellowship with her project titled How innate immune signalling dictates avian susceptibility to viruses!!! Larisa is a truly dese
"Inflammasome inhibitors as new first-in-class anti-inflammatory therapies”
2022 NHMRC Investigator Grant
Inflammation drives many devastating human diseases, and there are currently no effective treatments for many such diseases.
Congratulations to Sabrina Sofia Burgener from the Inflammasome Lab for being granted the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship.
New Therapeutic Pipeline Program Grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation to block inflammasome-induced neuroinflammation in Parkinson's disease
Part of the research team who discovered MCC950 - a small molecule inflammasome inhibitor - has been awarded a Therapeutic Pipeline Program Grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.
This project will reveal how the body produces interleukin-1β – a protein at the heart of inflammation and disease – so we can design better strategies for treating patients with inflammation driven disease
We are excited to announce that Associate Professor Kate Schroder, has been awarded funding to explore a novel mechanism for IL-1β secretion.Th