Delighted to receive ARC support for our research!

Delighted to receive ARC support for our research!

Congratulations to Sabrina Sofia Burgener for winning two ARC grants for her research in the Inflammasome Lab! 

Congratulations to Sabrina, Kate Schroder, Dave Boucher (Inflammasome Lab alumnus), and the Inflammasome lab researchers for undertaking such exciting research, worthy of two ARC Discovery projects!


Project 1: A molecular clock for inflammasome signal inhibition


Sabrina Sofia Burgener (CI), James Vince (PI, WEHI) & Dave Boucher (PI, Inflammasome Lab alumnus, University of York)


Project 2: A novel signalling effector of ASC pyroptosomes 


Kate Schroder (CIA), Sabrina Sofia Burgener (CIB) & Dave Boucher (PI, Inflammasome Lab alumnus, University of York)

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ABOUT Inflammasome Lab

Inflammasome Lab is a group of researchers led by Prof Kate Schroder at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland.
We seek to unravel the secrets of inflammasomes – protein complexes at the heart of inflammation and disease – to allow for new therapies to fight human diseases.