Welcome Tyron Esposito - Labzin Team Honours student!

The Inflammasome Lab is excited to welcome Tyron Esposito to the group. Tyron joins the Lab as an honours student within the Labzin Team. Welcome Tyron!


Tyron's Bio: Tyron first joined the Inflammasome lab to complete a research project during the final year of his Bachelor’s degree. He returned to the lab in February of 2021 to commence his Honours project. Under the supervision of Dr Larisa Labzin, Tyron is now investigating how antibodies change the signalling profile of macrophages in the presence of influenza A virus.


Images: Tyron in the lab - Level 5 - IMB

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ABOUT Inflammasome Lab

Inflammasome Lab is a group of researchers led by Prof Kate Schroder at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland.
We seek to unravel the secrets of inflammasomes – protein complexes at the heart of inflammation and disease – to allow for new therapies to fight human diseases.