During injury or infection, our body’s immune system protects us by launching inflammation.
But uncontrolled inflammation drives diseases such as gout, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease and cancer. Learn more about our current research.

The Inflammasome Lab is defining the molecular and cellular processes of inflammation. We seek to unravel the secrets of inflammasomes – protein complexes at the heart of inflammation and disease – to allow for new therapies to fight human diseases. Learn more about us.

Our research findings have been published in top journals including Science Immunology, Nature Medicine, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Nature Chemical Biology and Cell Reports. Read more about our research discoveries and see a complete list of publications from the lab.





Prof Kate Schroder

is head of the Inflammasome Lab, located within the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, at The University of Queensland.



Kate has supervised 11 PhD students (5 are current students) as well as other postgrad and undergrad students.


Publications and Patents

Kate has >140 publications cited >33,000 times, and 3 licensed patents.


Awards and Grants

Kate has received 20 awards and distinctions, and career funding totalling more than $20 million.



A little bit more about our lab...


Inflammasome Lab logo symbol Kate Schroder






Our diverse team

Our team is very international, with 18 researchers from 8 different countries around the world. We welcome and value diversity in all its forms.



We collaborate with researchers from The University of Queensland, as well as other national and international teams.


Conferences and seminars

We regularly present our research findings at major meetings and conferences around the world. See the blog for upcoming meetings.


Multiple techniques

We use cutting-edge techniques in molecular, cellular and in vivo biology, as well as microbiology and genetics. We value multidisciplinary approaches.



Inflammasome lab Kate Shroder group



Our team, headed by Professor Kate Schroder, is made up of six postdoctoral researchers, two senior research assistants, six PhD students, and two part-time research support staff.  

We are passionate scientists

working in a great location

producing world-class research


We are a part of the Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine Division, and the Centre for Inflammation and Disease Research, of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at The University of Queensland. Professor Kate Schroder is an NHMRC L2 Leadership Fellow, an Affiliated Senior Lecturer of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences Faculty of Science, and an Affiliate of the Queensland Brain Institute.


Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland Logo