Inflammasome Lab 2016 Retreat

Inflammasome Lab 2016 Retreat

Last week, the Inflammasome Lab went to Byron Bay for a three day retreat. The first two days we workshopped scientific writing techniques, future publications, career development and exciting new research ideas. The weekend was then spent at the beach, relaxing, having fun and getting to know the newer members of our team.

The photos show the beautiful beach at Byron, Kaiwen and Dave preparing our much needed breakfast burritos on Saturday morning, and left to right: Kaiwen, Damien, Caroline, Kate, Becca, Dave, Cookie and Jelena at Saturday night's dinner.

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ABOUT Inflammasome Lab

Inflammasome Lab is a group of researchers led by Prof Kate Schroder at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland.
We seek to unravel the secrets of inflammasomes – protein complexes at the heart of inflammation and disease – to allow for new therapies to fight human diseases.