Madhavi Maddugoda joins the lab!

Madhavi Maddugoda joins the lab!

This year we welcome Madhavi (Madi) Maddugoda to the Inflammasome Lab. Madi returns to Brisbane from Sydney to work part-time in our lab as a science writer and illustrator.


Madi says:“It is wonderful to have the opportunity to work with the Inflammsome Lab and to be part of the amazing research that is produced here. I have a history and strong interest in host-pathogen interactions and I love understanding Immunology. I feel fortunate, therefore, to be helping to communicate cutting edge research in these areas to the world!"


Madi's Bio: Madi obtained her PhD in cell biology at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) in 2008 before heading to France as an ARC young researcher fellow. Working at the INSERM C3M institute in Nice, Madi published on the interplay between cell biology, microbiology and physics during Staphylococcus aureus invasion through endothelial cellular tunnels. Returning to the Garvan Institute in Sydney, Australia, Madi used her cell biology expertice to master the delicate art of adult stem cell differentiation as part of a large consortium study looking into epigenetic programming of adipocytes in diabetes and obesity. Having conducted research in a range of scientific fields Madi has now turned her attention to communicating scientific research and ideas by words, pictures and visuals. At the inflammasome lab Madi works part-time helping with the writing of grants and publications and communicating through the Inflammasome Lab website.


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ABOUT Inflammasome Lab

Inflammasome Lab is a group of researchers led by Prof Kate Schroder at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland.
We seek to unravel the secrets of inflammasomes – protein complexes at the heart of inflammation and disease – to allow for new therapies to fight human diseases.